Monday, October 28, 2013

Finnegans Wake--for children?

When I was putting up the last post on the paper John found on Joyce and Parnell, I was trying to remember what you call the portion about the children's study hour which we had just gotten through. So I was Googling it, as you do, and Google started supplying answers, as it does. And one of the things it suggested was, Finnegans Wake for Children. You're having me on, I thought, so I went ahead and saw what it had come up with. And sure enough there was a link to Finnegans Wake for Children.

So I clicked it...

Go ahead--you'll like it. And thank you, Mr. Rosenbloom.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Page 308--Joyce and Parnell

At our meeting last night, we came to the end of the children's study hour section of the book. As Ed pointed out, it will be a relief of sorts not to have to orchestrate the left and right hand side of the page as well as the footnotes in our reading anymore, although actually the positive side of it is that it lent itself to more of a group reading.

John has emailed the rest of us that the talk of Parnell (which came up after the various misspellings of "hesitancy" in the last section. So he went out and found this essay on Joyce and Parnell, which was apparently a student paper. As John said, "I wish I could have written as good an essay when I took my Joyce course in college."

There is not a whole lot on Finnegans Wake in the paper, but it is a good account of Parnell's life and an evaluation of how Joyce was affected by this larger than life hero.


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Assorted links

A commenter on my last post provided a link to his Finnegans Wake page-a-day project, which looks like a very interesting way to proceed. Check it out.

This reminded me to put up some links to a couple of other relevant posts. I've been remiss in not posting part 2 of Leslie's essay on Wagner's influence on Joyce over at Wagner Tripping. And more recently, PQ has written up a nice piece on Joyce's eye problems. As someone who is not always as sympathetic to Joyce's problems as I might be, I was definitely left feeling more charitable toward him.